Psychotherapy is an integral part of our services-
be it Sleep Medicne, addiction medicine or psychiatry.
Psychotheraphy is the adhesive which helps us to bind modern treatment regimes to the the individuality of our patients, taking into account their individual needs, strengths, circumstances and limitations.
Various evidence based psychotherapeutic treatments are provided by our Sleep specialist/ Psychiatrist or Psychologist, and the choice of treatment depends upon the underlying pathology, feasibility, goodness of fit and cost limitations.
Some of them are:
CBTi (Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia)
Stimulus control Therapy
Sleep Restriction Therapy
Relapse Prevention
Behavior Therapy
Cognitive Behavior Terapy
Relaxation Therapy
Problem Solving Skill Training
Anger Management training
Parent Management Training
Couple Therapy
Contingency Managment
Token Economy