Detailed sleep workup using elaborate history taking, clinical examination, rating scales, sleep diagnostics (as and when required) is provided by internationally certified Sleep physician. After diagnosis is made, state of the art treatment using pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, PAP therapy is provided as required.
Surgical and dental/ maxillofacial services are also provided (in liaison) depending on requirement/ choice of patient by Sleep surgeons experienced in latest developments in the field of sleep medicine.
Expert Treatment offered for:
Snoring/ obstructive sleep apnoea/ central sleep apnoea
Circadian Rhythm sleep disorders
Shift work related sleep disorders
Sleep related movement disorders (tooth grinding/ limb movements in sleep etc.)
Parasomnias (Sleep walking/ sleep talking/ night terrors/ confusional arousals/ dream enactment etc.)
Excessive dreaming/ nightmares
Non refreshed sleep/ daytime sleepiness/ easy fatiguablity/ lack of concentration
Sleep problems secondary to any type of psychiatric/ neurological disorders
Sleep problems secondary to any type of medical/ physical disorders
Resistant cases of obstructive sleep apnoea/ central sleep apnoea or those not amenable to standard treatment protocol
Nocturnal choking/ coughing/ abnormal sensations etc.